On a moving day, your biggest worry would be transporting all your belongings safely to your new home and in one piece. You can’t have a seamless and completely stress-free move; things may go wrong during your move. You may rent the wrong truck size, or your things may get damaged during transit.

And while your move may not be a total walk in the park, it doesn’t have to be bad. Below, we’ve compiled 15 of the best and most helpful moving tips to help you get it done fast, saving you time, effort, and potential headaches.

  1. Plan and Create a Checklist

If you want your move to be smooth and successful, you must plan. Planning your move well ahead will help you stay organized and ensure that nothing important is overlooked. Start by creating a detailed checklist of all the tasks you must complete before, during, and after the move. You can find moving checklists online or create your own, but make sure it includes all the tasks leading up to the moving day.

  1. Pick the Best Date for Your Move

Your moving date can affect your moving experience. When choosing your moving date, consider the season, month, and day. Moving truck rental rates are usually higher in the summer because many people often want to move because of the warm weather. If you want to save money, you should move in late fall, winter, or early spring, when the demand for movers is lower and the rates are cheaper.

It’s also advisable to move in September, October, April, or May when the weather and demand are moderate. Weekdays are your best bet for moving, particularly between Monday and Thursday, when most people are busy with their regular routines, so the roads are usually free.

  1. Determine the Right Truck Size 

Overestimating or underestimating the truck size for your move can result in making multiple trips or paying for unnecessary space. Consult with the moving truck company or use online moving calculators to determine the right truck size based on the number of rooms you’re moving.

  1. Gather Packing Supplies in Advance 

To prevent last-minute scrambling:

  • Ensure you have all the moving supplies you need.
  • Stock up on boxes of various sizes and shapes, plastic wrap, packing tape, bubble wrap, furniture pads, blankets, ropes or straps, markers, and labels.
  • Get more moving boxes than you think you will need.

The last thing you want is to run out of packing supplies on packing day. You can always sell or donate unused packing supplies to others preparing for a move.

  1. Mark and Label the Boxes

Unpacking in your new home is usually easier when each box is labeled correctly. The label should correctly identify the box’s contents and the destination room so the movers know where to place it. You can also color-code your labels so you can quickly identify them.

  1. Declutter and Organize

Moving provides the perfect opportunity to declutter your belongings and minimize unnecessary items. Before packing, sort your belongings into three categories: keep, donate/sell, and discard. This will reduce the number of items you need to move and make unpacking easier in your new home. You can donate these unwanted items to a local charity or sell them to make some extra money.

  1. Disassemble Large Furniture

Large furniture pieces can take up a lot of space and be difficult to load onto the truck. To make things easier, disassemble them as much as possible before loading them. First, remove any cushions, covers, drawers, legs, arms, headboards, or footboards, and pack them separately. And be sure to bag and label any screws, bolts, nuts, or other small parts and tape them to the furniture piece or keep it in a separate box so you don’t lose them during the move.

  1. Load the Truck Strategically

Loading the truck is not as simple as throwing everything inside. You must load the truck strategically to maximize space and prevent damage to your items. Start by first loading the heaviest and largest items, placing them against the truck’s walls to create a stable base. Then stack lighter and more delicate items on top of the heavier ones, ensuring they are cushioned and secure with rope or straps so they won’t shift during transit.

  1. Protect Your Fragile Items

Wrap fragile items with plenty of bubble wrap or packing paper. Use towels or blankets as padding between delicate items to minimize the risk of breakage. Mark these boxes as “Fragile” or “This Side Up” to alert movers to handle them carefully.

  1. Pack an Essentials Bag

An essentials bag is a bag that has all the items you will need during or right after your move. This essentials bag should contain items you’ll need access to immediately, such as your wallet, phone charger, important documents, toiletries, change of clothes, medications, snacks, drinks, keys, etc. Having these essentials by your side will save you from digging through your boxes for something you need urgently.

  1. Use Proper Lifting Techniques  

Moving heavy furniture and boxes can strain your body if not done correctly. To prevent injuries, make sure to use proper lifting techniques. Bend your knees, not your back, when lifting objects. Lift with your legs and keep the item close to your body. If an item is too heavy to lift alone, get someone to help you.

  1. Update Address Information and Transfer Utilities

To ensure a seamless transition to your new home, notify utility companies, post offices, banks, and healthcare providers of your move and provide them with your updated address. This will prevent interruptions or delays in the installations or disconnections of services at your new home and ensure that all your emails and bills are forwarded to your new address.

  1. Recruit Help from Friends and Family

Performing a DIY move doesn’t mean you must move all alone. Moving can be a daunting task, and it’s okay to ask for help. Recruit friends, family members, or hire professional movers to assist you with the heavy lifting. Just ensure you thank them with food, drinks, or gifts afterward. Having extra hands on deck will not only speed up the process but also reduce the risk of injuries.

  1. Stay Hydrated and Take Breaks 

Moving is physically and mentally demanding, so you must stay hydrated and take short breaks, especially during hot weather. Pack a cooler with water, snacks, and refreshments that will help keep your energy up throughout the day.

  1. All In All, Have Fun!

Yes, moving can be stressful, but that doesn’t mean you can’t have fun during your move. Make your moving day more enjoyable by:

  • Playing some music or podcasts while you pack, load, or drive.
  • Taking some breaks and snacks along the way.
  • Making some stops to see some sights or attractions.
  • Exploring your new neighborhood and meeting your new neighbors.

Moving to a new home is a significant change, but it can also be an excellent opportunity to start fresh and make new memories. So don’t let the stress get to you, and have fun with your move.